Lady Gaga’s first fashion film, shot by renowned Dutch fashion photographers Inez & Vinoodh, features Gaga herself as the Creative Director, with Nicola Formichetti serving as the Fashion Director. The 25-year-old singer tweeted, “In collaboration with INEZ+VINOODH. The first in a series. Little Monsters, here’s ‘You and I: NYMPH.'”
Nicola Formichetti
Watch Lady Gaga Come Alive
Lady Gaga comes alive in this exclusive video by Inez van Lamsweerde and Vinoodh Matadin for V Magazine #71 Asian Issue.
Lady Gaga on the runway for Mugler
Lady Gaga rocks the runway at the Mugler show in Paris, while premiering her new track, “Government Hooker.” “Seriously, I’m so nervous” Gaga told pals before the show, despite looking like she was born to traverse the runway like a pro. Watch Gaga walk the runway to “Government Hooker” below…
Lady GaGa by Mariano Vivanco for Billboard Magazine
Lady GaGa covers the new issue of Billboard Magazine celebrating the 1000th Billboard Hot 100 number one with her new single Born This Way. Photographed by Mariano Vivanco and styled by Nicola Formichetti, Lady Gaga dons black latex coat by MUGLER, shoes by Noritaka Tatehana, shoe hat by Bob Recine. Photos : Mariano Vivanco / … Read more
Lady Gaga arrives at Grammys in a giant egg
Singer Lady Gaga arrived at the 53rd Grammys in a giant egg. Gaga’s stylist Nicola Formichetti tweeted some clarification: “This is Nicola, Haus of Gaga: Gaga is in incubation. Tonight’s performance is in collaboration with Hussein Chalayan and House of Mugler. X” Video of her arrival after the jump.
Lady Gaga Remix for the Mugler Fashion Show
Lady Gaga provided a special remix for Mugler creative director Nicola Formichetti’s first menswear show at Paris Fashion Week .