Mila Kunis’s Harper’s Bazaar Spread by Terry Richardson

Mila Kunis stuns on the cover of Harper’s Bazaar’s April 2012 issue, captured by photographer Terry Richardson and styled by Julia Von Boehm. Inside, the then-28-year-old actress discusses her experience with weight loss for her role in “Black Swan” in a revealing interview.

“After her drastic weight loss for Black Swan (20 pounds off her already lean frame), Mila notes that her body “has never been the same. My shape is different. When I got down to 95 pounds, I was muscles, like a little brick house, but skin and bones. When I gained it back, it went to completely different areas.” Like the rear? “No, I’d be happy if my ass got bigger. All the weight that left my chest went to my side hip, my stomach.”

For more from Mila, visit!

Photos: Terry Richardson